Want to give your new troop the best leadership experience possible, but don’t know where to start? Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri's New Troop Leader Learning Path, conveniently located in gsLearn, is where you will find everything you need to know to set up your new troop for success.
The New Troop Leader Learning Path is comprised of six courses. Both the leader and assistant leader(s) in a troop are required to complete the first course, New Troop Leader Training, within 30 days of the course being assigned to them in gsLearn. The remaining courses in the learning path, while not required, contain indispensable information for new troop leaders and may be completed at their convenience, preferably within the first few months of becoming a leader/assistant leader.
Course 1: New Troop Leader Training (REQUIRED)
New Troop Leader Training is designed to help troop volunteers become comfortable in their new role by providing an overview of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, the basic structure of a troop meeting and examples of proactive planning.
Course 2: Troop Money Management
This course offers all the information and tips you need when opening a troop bank account, building your troop treasury and completing the Troop Year-End Report.
Course 3: Program Level Training
This training content helps troop leaders guide Girl Scouts through developmental stages and provide them with the best Girl Scout Leadership Experience possible, based on age-appropriate interests, abilities and needs. Choose the grade level most relevant to your troop.
- Program Level for Daisies
- Program Level for Brownies
- Program Level for Juniors
Course 4: GSUSA Volunteer Toolkit – Troop Leader View
The Volunteer Toolkit is your official source for delivering easy, fun troop meetings year-round! With this step-by-step guide, you can start your troop year strong and spend more time adventuring with your Girl Scouts!
Course 5: Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter Training
Girl Scout volunteers and staff are considered mandated reporters in the state of Missouri. This course, provided by Missouri KidsFirst, explores how adults can identify and report child abuse and neglect to the Children’s Division of the Missouri Department of Social Services.
Course 6: Managing My Troop from My Account
This course provided by GSUSA demonstrates how troop leaders can manage troop and troop member information from My Account. It also demonstrates how leaders can complete registration activities for troop members.